How do you care for your body--the temple of The Holy Spirit?
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NASB
Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought for a price: therefore glorify God in your body.
It's easy to dismiss caring for ourselves in the midst of all that we choose to do. The excessive to do list and the cultural "shoulds" of life that we choose above creating healthy habits and healthy boundaries are the great destroyers of our peace and blessings.
Let's choose today to look at how we treat our bodies, our minds, our soul, and spirit with intention.
Let's choose to talk with God and come into alignment with what He wants for you--not what the world wants or thinks--BUT what God is prompting your heart and mind to know and do. It's a hard, beautiful conversation that will bear fruit for you in the long run.
Then let's choose to take bold action on what God prompts--no delayed obedience which is disobedience but bold, perhaps messy, but always fruitful ACTION!
*If you are ready for positive action on your health and wellness so that you can build your God-inspired dreams and goals then sign up now for the Diet, Exercise, & Spiritual Coaching program that starts 10/11 to 12/11.
Let's pray: Dear God thank You for this day. Thank You Jesus for loving us so much that You gave Yourself for our salvation, healing, and transformation.
Holy Spirit we are beyond honored and humbled that You dwell within us who have put our trust in Jesus Christ. Please help us today to hear Your voice and to quickly follow it into full obedience.
Our body, mind, soul, and spirit are Yours, Lord, to lead into the Kingdom agenda that You have for us. Please help us to have bold confidence to walk out Your will and way each and every day.
Please surround us with Your favor, love, protection, and mercy each and every day.
We sing praises to Your name, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen!