I love adoption.
I love that adoption is a beautiful coming together of people to create a beautiful family.
Our Father God knew that each of us would be adopted into His Kingdom through Jesus. There is no other way to come into the throne room of the Holiest of Holy.
The intricacy of the plans He made before the dawn of creation always bring awe and wonder to my mind.
We are treasured and loved! Let that wash through you and wash out any thoughts that you aren't worthy, special, loved, and wonderful.
You are a royal diadem in the hand of the creator of the universe! How great a love is that?
On this Sunday let's praise Him. Let's sing Holy, holy, holy is the lamb.
Let's pray: Dear Lord Almighty, creator of the heavens and earth, we come before You with awe and love for Your holy love and plans that You laid down before the foundation of the world.
We praise You for bringing us into Your holy world through Jesus our Savior. Thank You Abba Father for making a way for us to throw off sin and sadness and be adopted into the Kingdom of heaven.
Lord Jesus please help us to walk in that love and rebuke the thoughts that say we are not all that You call us. Lord help us to shine our light in such a way that people see the love of You in all that we do and say. In Jesus precious Holy name, we pray, Amen.