Bursting with Blessings

You ARE Creative...

I have been thinking a lot about gifts the last few days.

I have the blessing of people in my life who freely share their creative spirit and gifts. Not only do their gifts bless me but the blessings of God flow even more when we use the gifts God has given us to bless others.

We all are creative!  We all are creative, spiritual beings, made in the image of God.

I use to say that I was not creative. I imagined creativity to just be art or music creating. But it is so much more than that: The beautiful act of creating a loving home. The creation of food, or kind gestures--is creative!

I was listening to one of Hannah Keeley's coaching sessions from Mom Mastery University on living the juicy life--the creative life. Our very being is creative--remember the playful, creative child we all use to be? Her session just resonated with me on so many levels: "You are a conduit of blessing for others. People are going to need what you have to offer them. God wants to give you new and creative ideas like books, poems, inventions, art.... Somebody, This World, needs what only you can create. God has placed you here for a significant reason. God wants to bless others through what you can create. Through your hands, mind, and energy God wants to use you to bless others."

She explained how to tap into that creative spirit. Yahoo!  Transformation and change into what you are meant to be. :-)

Join me today in praying thanksgiving for other peoples blessings and gifts AS WELL AS the beautiful blessings and gifts He has given you today.

And go listen to Hannah's training session--link below--The world needs what God wants to give through YOU!

:-) #MomMasteryUniversity #MMU #Creative#Gifts #GiftsFromGod #BlessingsFromGod #BlessOthers #BeABlessing#ReceiveCreativeEnergyFromGod #GodGivesMiraclesAndIdeas#ReinvigorateYourCreativeSpirit #Mentor #BurstingWithBlessings #CertifiedMentor



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