How seriously do you take your calling of being a priest for Christ--sharing your testimony/giving an account for the hope that is in you?
Each of us is anointed by God to be saved and to shine His light to all those around us so that by our good deeds others will see and glorify Him (Matthew 5:16).
If we know within our minds how precious and purposed we are by God then it becomes so much easier to crush the fear that the enemy tries to put inside our minds and hearts and shine so bright and speak so loudly that all those around us know that we are God's chosen.
You represent the King of Kings, the Lord of All, the Creator of Heaven and earth.
Let's choose today to work on replacing feelings of unworthiness with feels of excitement that we do all things for Him who reigns!
*If you struggle with feeling worthy or just want an amazing, dynamic Bible Study then come join the next round of my coaching Bible study: How To BElieve You are a Woman of Worth. message me Leah Mason-Virgin or visit my website to sign up under Learn With Leah
Let's pray: Dear God Almighty, thank You for this day, thank You for Your Holy Scripture that transforms our thoughts and brings to understanding how precious, worthy, and anointed to be your spokespeople we who are marked as Christ's own are.
We are humbled and awed by Your love, mercy, and plans to allow us to be apart of You Kingdom agenda, shining Your light, working to show others the way out of darkness and into Your marvelous salvation, love, and life everlasting.
Lord Jesus please lead us to the scriptures that we need to imprint upon our hearts and minds so that we can vanquish the lies of the enemy and walk boldly, courageously, in our gifts and calling rebuking fear, worry, anxiety, and any other emotion, situation, or mindset that holds us back.
We are so excited to represent You and to be loved by You.
Thank You Jesus, Amen.