Job 33:6 Behold, I belong to God, like you; I too have been formed out of the clay.
Who are we? Who are you and who am I?
Often, I see amazing women with insecurities, fears, confusions, anxieties, and broken mindsets and relationships trudging through their days wondering how or if they should try to heal or change.
I used to wonder where the healing, happiness easy button was. I wondered who had the quick-fix answer to my insecurities, fears, anxieties, confusion, desperation mentality, and roller coaster emotions.
What most people don't want to hear is that there is no easy button. And I bet as you started reading this blog post you probably thought I was going to tell you that all you need to do is believe that you are God's and accept Christ with faith and everything will be awesome, fun, and easy.
But I won't say that. There is no easy button. There is a healing journey. There is joy in knowing you are God's and you are saved, beloved, and chosen.
And you have to chose that every day. It takes intention, work, effort, and energy to solidify your identity in Christ Jesus, who formed you, and to bring God's healing energy through His word, prayer, counseling, coaching, medications, etc.
My friend, you are His. He does love you so much that He sent His only begotten Son to create a way for you and me to be in a deep dynamic relationship with Him now and throughout all of eternity.
Therefor, let's choose to renew our minds daily that we exist by Him, for Him, and through Him now and forever.
Let's choose each day to not be discouraged but to diligently seek the full healing no matter how long the journey takes. Because God knows what you need and I need to bring full healing, clarity, confidence, joy, peace, self-control, patience, understanding, healthy boundaries, relationships, and more.
Let's choose to be obedient to the High Calling in Christ Jesus and be unshaken by the lies of the enemy that tell us we aren't good enough, worthy, etc.
Let's choose to bring God's word deep into our hearts and minds every morning so that no one and nothing can shake our confidence in Him or in who we are.
Let's choose to speak life over ourselves:
I exist by God and for God.
I choose to expand into all God is calling me to do.
I am beloved, worthy, healing, forgiven, and free to be bold, confident, courageous, happy, and impactful.
I am significant.
I choose to be present in this place for God and His calling on my life.
I am confident in my value to God, to others, and to myself.
I am smart and building wisdom from God's word and Holy Spirit.
I am blessed and highly favored of God.
I am here to be blessed and a blessing.
I am created for such a time as this.
I am joyful in Christ through all circumstances. And I choose to thrive in all circumstances.
I tap into the peace, patience, and self-control of God throughout my day.
I cultivate faithfulness, peace, patience, love, joy, and curiosity to connect and bless all those around me including myself.
I am healing my thoughts and my relationships because I know I am Christ's and I am validated by God not by others.
I am triumphing over every circumstance through prayer, praise, and God's word.
I choose everyday to build a strong relationship with God and heal my thoughts, words, and actions.
I am learning to stay calm in all circumstances and speak with kind courage.
I imprint God's word on my heart and mind so that I think and speak in accordance with God's will and way.
I release trying to control others and release all outcomes into Christ's hands to craft as He so chooses.
I trust God with all outcomes and I simply move through the day with peace and faith.
I trust God with my future.
I trust God to remove relationships and people from my life.
I work with God to create a positive impact in this world, in my life, and the lives of all those around me.
I am emotionally strong. I have the mind of Christ. My mind weighs carefully through the Holy Spirit's guidance.
I am confident and know how smart and valuable I am.
I am creating blessings every day with God.
I am loved no matter what.
I am unshaken by mistakes and changes in my life, work, and relationships.
I am creating healthy expectations of myself and others.
I have grace for myself and others.
I am happy to share my wins and hear other peoples wins.
I am using the hard things of life to grow more faithful and impactful in every way.
I am using my past as a catapult to serving others and cultivating greater faith and strength.
I have God-blessed eyes to see miraculous solutions.
I am creative.
I trust myself to hear God and receive His instructions.
I trust myself to follow God's promptings for healing and change.
I trust myself to dig deep into scripture and receive healing.
I am healthy and full of life.
Let's pray: Dear Jesus, thank You for this day. Thank You for Your love and mercy. Thank You that I am made worthy and complete in You.
Jesus please help me to see what actions I need to repent of and find healing in You. Please help me to see my worth in You and my calling to become all that You want me to become.
I humbly submit myself for Your transformation, healing, and change. I lean into Your word and Spirit and choose to change my thoughts, words, and deeds day by day to become closer to all that You want me to be.
Please rebuke the enemy far from me and surround me with hedges of protection.
I sing praises to Your name, now and forever, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen and Amen!