Bursting with Blessings

What Is Faith: Devotional Hebrews 11:1

Everyone has faith.

Life is a faith walk--faith that tomorrow will happen and so forth.

We as Christians not only have evidence to back up our faith (see Case For Christ) but we have the little blessings, miracles, and moments with God that blow us away.

But often our memories diminish those moments over time. Let's choose today to remember some of our most cherished memories of God reaching out to us.

Let's choose today to cultivate faithfulness in His plans for our life (Psalm 37:3). *need help with this then let's talk

Let's pray: Dear Lord God we humbly come before You with thanks and praise.

We thank You Jesus for Your sacrifice that frees us to live without sin hindering our faith walk. Lord please forgive us our sins and so uphold us by Your grace.

Lord please bring to our minds some of the precious moments we noticed Your hand moving in our lives. Help us to grow our faithfulness and our spiritual maturity so that we can be Your hands and feet wherever we go.

We give You all thanks and praise for what You are doing in our lives. In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.

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