All our behavior, emotions, words, daily habits, and actions come from our mindset.
Most often I encounter women, including myself, who struggle with knowing their worth, value, or strength. Most of us were raised by broken women who then broke us down too.
Having confidence and love for ourselves should come from a place of healthy knowledge of whose we are and who loved us so much that He gave His one and only Son to be our Savior and Redeemer.
Loving ourselves and having a mindset of deep value to all those around you comes from knowing that our spirit was made by The Creator Of The Heavens and Earth. That He loves us with His whole soul and heart (see Jeremiah 32:31).
As the New Year of 2020 comes rapidly toward us, make the resolution to concentrate on your mindset and the things unseen so that out of that work the things seen will rapidly fall into right perspective and become the blessings that you long for.
Let's start out our transformation and change by declaring to have a mindset shift goal for 2020. I know that I am still healing the broken pieces into a beautiful mosaic that God can use. I've been working on it for years, so don't be discouraged that it takes time and daily intention to work and transform your thoughts to be in alignment with God's truth and not what the world told you that you are or that you are not.
Let's be women that take back our voice by speaking life into our mindsets, our lives, and our loved ones. Let's become empowered through the word of the Lord that brings life everlasting. Let's cut out the words that hurt and replace them with the healing words of Jesus Christ--we are more valuable than all things (see Luke 12:7) and precious in His eyes. A royal diadem in His hand (Isaiah 62:3). Amen!
*Join me next Friday to learn how to start those steps of radical mindset change through a Biblical Vision board, affirmations, proclamations, speaking God's word, and praying God's word. Check out the events for a reminder. You can also grab my book
#Transformation #ChangingDaily #SelfWork #SelfWorth #BrokenPiecesToAMosaicOfBeauty
#Selfdevelopment #Mindset #Success through #DailyRoutine #VisionBoard #BiblicalVisionBoard #NewYearsResolutions #Goals #Dreams #2020Planning #Leadership #Entrepreneurs #ChristianEntrepreneurs #Wisdom #Christ #ChristianCoach #ChristianAuthor #ChristianAthlete #ChristianWoman #ChristianMom #Burstingwithblessings