This is the life!
You know that saying?
How about: life is what you make of it...
Jesus says He is the life. We know that life is more than the tangible things seen. Life is spiritual and energetic. God spoke and His very energy went forth and created all the heavens and the earth.
This world is not our final home. This life is worth living through the Life Giver, the Savior, and Redeemer of our life now and our life to come.
Let's spend some time today thanking Him for creating our life and giving us life everlasting.
Let's spend some time talking to Him about the gifts He has created in us that He wants us to use for His Kingdom agenda and our benefit and blessings.
Let's spend time preparing to create our Biblical Vision Board. If you missed today's webinar, I'll link to it in the comments.
When we walk in the life God wants for us then we can shout with joy: "This is the life!"
#Gifts #Calling #DreamsAndGoals #Life #LifeEverlasting #CreatingTheAbundantJoyfilledLife #VisionBoard #BiblicalVisionBoard #Prayer
#JesusLife #Grateful #Thankful #KingdomAgenda #DevelopingOurGifts #Success #SpeakItBelieveItBeIt #Transformation #GrowingSpiritually #SpiritualAwakening #Leadership development through God's word