I know this picture is old and faded. This is me at the age of 16 years old--I'm 42 now. This was our Episcopal Bishop who performed my confirmation. It makes me reflect on my spiritual journey--one which was marked by moments of distance and negativity toward God, and moments of dawning understanding and change. I thank Jesus so much that He redeems and heals in a gentle and loving way--day by day, degree by degree. I'm so grateful for where I am--and where I am headed in my spiritual journey. This is NOT to impress anyone. This is to impress upon others that no matter where you are in your journey Christ will meet you there and grow you ever closer to Him, if you are willing. He never pushes nor shoves His way. He gently loves.
2 Corinthians 3:18 So all of us, with faces unveiled, see as in a mirror the glory of the Lord; and we are being changed into His very image, from one degree of glory to the next, by Adonai the Spirit.