Soul Care Saturday
Journaling prompt: God is creating great things through me by...
Proclaim: The Lord makes me great. The Lord enlarges my reach and my steps as I stretch out and serve as He calls me to.
I persevere with stamina forward into the High calling in Christ Jesus and I do not slip back into old ways and old sin.
Let's pray: Dear Lord thank You for this day. Thank You for Your love and mercy.
Lord please forgive my sin and help me to continue to break old habits and thoughts that do not serve me or serve Your Kingdom agenda.
Please cause my mind to eat of Your word and to grow in strength, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and perseverance.
I thank You and praise You for being my strong tower that shelters me from the flaming arrows of the evil one. Please help me vanquish the lies of the enemy with Your word. Please help me to call up scripture in times of need.
I thank You for being my Good Shepherd that watches over me day by day and in every way.
I sing glory and thanksgiving to Your name forever, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen.