Seek the Lord and His strength continually...
What a beautiful verse of encouragement.
Life is not an easy road. This broken sinful world seems to pile things on and sometimes we don't realize we make our own lives more difficult with our sinful choices.
If we fix our eyes on His word continually won't we find strength and encouragement? A thousand times yes, if we allow it to do a good work in us. Simple gazing on the word is not enough.
Taking a daily moment to seek Him and ask Him where we should put our efforts will ensure a flow of strength from Him.
Our unique blessings and promise land come from the work we do with God on ourselves first and then to the tasks outside of ourselves. The mundane tasks of life don't seem so overwhelming if we've first done our mindset work with God's word.
Morning by morning we seek His word and His strength. Morning by morning His mercies are new.
Let's do the work of building our Biblical Vision Board this week with all the verses that we need to renew our spirit and transform our mindset. Keeping the vision, the word, and the ability to seek Him continually.
Let's cultivate prayers from scripture that speak to our spiritual needs. This year I needed to work on my impetuous mindset so I found Isaiah 32:4 The minds of the impetuous will learn to weigh carefully,...
Grab a copy of my book on how to create a Biblical Vision Board and watch the replay live video from last week.
#Transformation #ChangingDaily #SelfWork #SelfWorth #BrokenPiecesToAMosaicOfBeauty
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