What does sacrificial giving look like and feel like?
During these difficult times we are in we must give truth, action, and support.
We must sacrifice time, resources, and friendships to be the light of Christ.
We must align ourselves with those who are hurting and need the hands and feet of Jesus to protect them and comfort them.
We must choose to sacrifice in various ways to truly shine the truth and word of Jesus Christ--all are created in His image, and He came to save all His brothers, sisters, mothers (Luke 8:21).
What acts of good and resources do you think this time in life calls for?
Let's pray: Lord we thank You that Your word is living and active. We thank You that we have access to what You want us to do as Your precious children whom You have saved by Your sacrifice.
Help us Lord Jesus to know how to sacrifice in a way that bring Your name glory, and Your Kingdom agenda to earth.
We thank You and praise You for marking us as Your own and blessing us in this life and the life to come.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.