Good Saturday morning y'all.
I'm reading the word and drinking my coffee in my hotel bed. We're away for Big Papa's office Christmas party.
Today I was reading one of my favorite verses that I have written in my journal.
Jeremiah 32:41 talks about God's deep love for us. God proclaims that He loves us with His whole heart and soul. ❤😲
God doesn't just love us a little bit. He loves us so immensely that He loves us with His whole being🥰
What does thinking on that change for you today?
Ephesians 4:23 tells us "you must let your spirits and minds keep being renewed. "
Let's renew daily our understanding of God's love and His word for our life
Ephesians 4:31 tells us to get rid of all bitterness, rage, slander, spitefulness etc.
Let's renew our efforts to speak with kind courage today. Let's renew our efforts to forgive and put those that have hurt us into Abba God's hands.
Let's renew our patience, our smile, our prayers, and our mindsets in the way that creates positive transformation and glory to our God who loves us with His whole heart and soul. Amen!
#Saturday #Coffee #Morning #DailyRoutine #DailyChange #Bible #DailyVerse #MindsetShift #PersonalDevelopment #SelfDevelopment #Joyfilled #Life #ChistianCoach #ChristianMentor #ChristFollower #ChristianAuthor #ChristianWoman #ChristianMom #RenewingMyMindDaily #AbideInHim #DiggingIntoTheWord #ChristAlone #Prayer #PraiseInEverySituation #Worship #Meditate on the word of God #BurstingWithBlessings