Bursting with Blessings

Psalm 37:9 Verse of the day devotional

I am pondering the God blessed eyes that see the world in such a way that blessings flow in. My eyes and mind are often stifled by my own worldly broken mindsets.
We often under value ourselves and allow fear to keep us stifles.
I encourage you to intentionally surround yourself with big thinkers and big faith encouragers. Those people are often used by God to transform our limiting beliefs and lack mindsets that hinder what God can bless us with. We can find them online or by praying that God would cause you to meet them

#MindsetShift #BlessedEyes #TransformationAndChange #RenewingMyMindDaily #AbideInHim #DailyRoutine #DailyChange #Bible #Christianity #SpiritualAwakening #Faith #ForgivenAndFree #SelfDevelopment #devotional #BibleStudy #ChristianCoach #ChristianMentor #ChristFollower #Christ #God #Meditate on the word
#LackMentality #Prosperity #Spiritually #Friends who #Encourage and #Change us #BurstingWithBlessings #Worship #Worthy

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