Daily Verse: From Jeremiah 23 tells about our God who is always near. The Creator of heaven and earth fills the earth and heavens with His presence. There is no where that we can go without Him. No where we can hide from His presence. He is ever present and ever seeking to bring us to a deeper understanding and relationship with Him.Just this verse alone fills my mind with awe and wonder at the depth of love and majesty of the living God who is our Abba Father--not the fathers of this world that are broken and sinful--that are so far from what a child needs and deserves--But a powerful Holy and Incredibly loving Father that desires us to grow and change through His word and Spirit.
He takes the person who turns to Him with their whole heart and builds them up, heals them, transforms their mindsets to see as we should.
Encouraging you to deepen your relationship and reading of His word today and each day--so that the challenges that will come will allow you to triumph so much more easily.
I often say: I would rather have Jesus now then never.