This is how I fight my battles....
Do you love that song too? We know that we battle not flesh but the spiritual
forces of this world (Ephesians 6:12).
So are you battle ready? What is your battle plan? Where are your weapons?
I am battle ready because I
Do you have energy for the day?
I look at the memories in my FB feed and see years of complaining about being
tired. I see a woman who didn't know where or how to get healing from the broken
thoughts and hurts of her past that dragged
What is your dream?
God gives each of us dreams, goals, gifts, and abilities that we often overlook,
discount, or cast away by our own brokenness from the world.
Do you believe that you are worthy of an abundance of blessings? Do you know
what your gifts are, what your
You are holy, beloved, worthy, forgiven, free, marked a the most valuable
Let's life our hands high to the heavens and worship His name!
Let's choose to create a life like the queens we are--called by Christ to serve
and rule and reign over the
You are worthy!
You are worthy of all good things and all the blessings the Lord wants for you!
Today create in your mind a picture of Jesus pouring His love on you. Choose
this day to embrace the knowledge that you are worthy, loved, and called to all