Have you felt rejected in life?
Rejection feels like a knife wound that doesn't want to heal. And in this broken
world I believe everyone has experienced rejection at some time in their lives.
And some of us have experienced rejection from people who are supposed to love
> Proverbs 10:22 It is the blessing of the Lord that makes rich, And He adds no
sorrow to it.
Have you thought about this verse? God never adds sorrow to us. He is always
good, compassionate, slow to anger, quick to forgive, and always loving to those
Do you lose your peace easily?
I use to live life full of worry. I was plagued by memories, worried about the
future, worried what others thought, worried about being good enough.
Our lives can be marked by worry or faith. We can work to be faithful and
peaceful or
Wisdom, understanding, and blessings come from a mind that is in awe of God's
love and mercy!
When I really started to cultivate an understanding of my self-worth in Jesus
Christ my entire mind began to see things differently. My mind saw other people
and their behavior differently.
God's word was and is the first and premier "self-development" book ever.
It's interesting to me that the tools for transforming my life in a positive and
amazing way sat on my shelf for decades--unused, unknown, as I searched and
prayed for blessings. But