The Lord knit your soul into existence! You are wonderful, beautiful, complex,
beloved, and gifted wonderful attributes, skills, dreams, goals, and gifts!
Before time began, God knew you, loved you, and ordained the days of your life,
and the wonderful things that He wants you to do.
I am in
Do you feel like something is holding you back from the joy and full blessings
in your daily life?
> Romans 12 Living Bible (TLB) 12 And so, dear brothers, I plead with you to give
your bodies to God. Let them be a living sacrifice, holy—the kind He
Do you worry about what will happen to your life and the circumstances that you
are dealing with?
Do you contemplate constantly how to make things happen the way you want them
Are you anxious and filled with worried thoughts? I spent decades like that. I
was constantly consumed
Do you let God strengthen you?
For decades I told everyone and myself how tired and overwhelmed I was. Our
minds listen to everything we say and work to create more of that. What we speak
becomes our reality! What we think is the box we build ourselves into!
Have you ever felt disconnected from God or that He is far off?
I spent decades away from God--BUT He was never away from me. That is the
amazing love of our Heavenly Father. He thinks of us. He sits and walks with us.
He never leaves us nor forsakes