The world's way is like a powerful undertow pulling us under into depression and
I never knew how far into the undertow I was until one shame-filled,
embarrassing moment that brought me to the beginning of my healing journey.
The world's ways are subtly imprinted
Do you feel strong?
Most women I speak with think that strength, confidence, courage, an outgoing
personality is something people are born with. I used to think the same thing.
I now know that anything can be learned and grown into our minds and hearts.
God longs to strengthen us
I love that our God seeks to bind up our wounds and help us heal. His mercy is
great and His wisdom beyond all telling. How amazing is our God!
Our life journey here is just that--a journey. There is no other side of
complete and finished, perfectly polished--until we
God told Ezekiel to eat of His word and go speak the word to others/nation of
Israel (Ezekiel 3:1). God used the words "son of man" or another translation
"human being".
> Ezekiel 3:1 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
3 He said to me,
Are you on a healing journey?
I would venture to say that all of us are on a healing journey. I know that I am
and always have been. I didn't know it decades ago. I didn't call it a healing
journey but God was trying