What's your morning routine?
What's the foundation to your daily life that builds up your mind, soul, body,
relationships, finances?
We know that what we speak either brings life or death. We know what we say
impacts our thoughts and energy but do we truly listen
How do you plan for success? What are you planning for the rest of this year?
I think the majority of us believe that we can walk through our life and create
what we want without intentional thought and planning--I know I often default to
this and I certainly had
Do you trust your intuition? Do you trust God's Holy Spirit voice inside of your
heart and mind?
Our culture tears down women's belief & trust in their intuition and ability to
speak up for themselves.
It's no wonder that women have been muzzled
What is flowing from your heart and mouth?
Your life is a direct reflection of what is flowing from your heart and mouth.
Whether you love yourself and others is a direct impact on what you think, say,
do, react to, allow, create, and so on.
For decades I had
How long does it take to heal?
Have you ever asked God for an immediate healing? I have on many occasion. I've
also wondered why He chose not to grant my request.
Often God wants to weave people, habits, foods, herbs, medicine, His word, and
Spirit all together.