> How To Pause & Grow Through This Time: Bible Study & Prayer Time
[https://www.facebook.com/BurstingWithBlessings/videos/597675527500311/]How To
Pause & Grow Through This Time: Bible Study & Prayer Time
Posted by Bursting With Blessings
[https://www.facebook.com/BurstingWithBlessings/] on Wednesday, April 1, 2020
I know that circumstances are hard now for most people. We live in a time like I
have never experienced before.
We may feel limited in our choices. We may feel stuck. We may feel a thousand
different things right now. But, our feelings don't have to dictate
The Joy of the Lord is our strength--knowing that our Lord is with us, forgives
us, and has made a way for us to be in union with Father God is joy filling. We
can always cling to that type of joy.
As we pray, we start by giving thanks
In hard times it can be easy to lose patience, grow cold, and desire revenge
when someone hurts us.
During this time we who are marked as Christ's own have an even greater
responsibility to shine His light and love in such a way that people see our
Come learn with me. Find what you need to create a life led by peace and joy
instead of stress and strain.
Learn now❤️👇 at bursting with blessings under Learn With Leah
We have an opportunity now to start creating new habits that will carry through
to next year and