Being judged feels so unfair and painful. In our broken world people use their
own set of experiences, insecurities, and hurts to create thoughts and ideas
about the people they encounter.
Whether we are judged to be to young, to old, to radical, not strong enough, not
smart enough, to
Woman Of Worth Video Bible Study 🌹❤️ Come join for 2 weeks of mindset
transforming look through the Bible.
You will come away feeling the love God has for YOU! You will gain new spiritual
strength to do all that You want to create the life of joy and peace in
Do you exercise?
Our God is a God of balance, beauty, symmetry, and Shalom (wholeness). To bring
that balance and beauty into our minds and souls we need to read His word
(nourishing our minds), speak His word (sharing love), and act in accordance
with that word (becoming the blessing
> []Bible
study and prayer time
Posted by Bursting With Blessings
[] on Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Woman Of Worth Video Bible Study 🌹❤️ Come join for 2 weeks of mindset
transforming look through the Bible.
You will come away
Nourishing our minds and bodies comes from God's word living in us.
As we read and speak God's word we are planting health, healing, and
transformation into our souls and minds.
I know what I should eat--and I know what tastes good but isn't