How do you feel about your finances?
Over the last few days we've talked about money and stewarding the finances that God has blessed us with. There have been a lot of feels. So many of us have mindset strongholds that hold us back from stewarding the finances that God has given us.
We know that God wants us to grow into our blessings. We know that He blesses those that follow His word (Proverbs 16:20 & Psalm 19). We can read how He brings people into their promise land when they follow His laws and grow in faith and trust.
Are you ready to tackle Biblical Financial health this year? Let's pray and begin bring every part of our lives into the will of God.
Tonight Charissa from Change Your Finances will talk about her masterclass where she will reveal money saving tips and her program for following God's precepts for money management. I know that this year I am determined to bring down our debt and continue walking in His way.
Let's pray: Dear Lord God almighty, we humbly praise You for giving us Your word. We thank You that Your word is a lamp unto our feet and a healing balm that transforms our broken mindsets. Lord Jesus please give us strength and courage to tackle our finances and bring them under Your law. Lord we long for blessings. We know that You bless those that follow You with a whole heart and action that comes from our faith profession. Lord we give You all praise and glory. Amen