The struggle for all things good, right, pure, lovely, and free starts with a heart transformation.
Today we observe hearts that chose to fight for freedom--freedom for us to worship and praise without persecution. Our struggles today pale in comparison to the struggles of the early church and those persecuted in other countries.
Today let's remind ourselves that those who came before us paved a way for us to enjoy all the freedoms we have.
Today let's pray for those who serve and those who are persecuted for the name of Christ.
Let's pray: Dear Lord God Almighty, we humbly come before You with thanks and praise for loving us with an everlasting love.
We thank You Jesus for Your great sacrifice that paved the way for our salvation and transformation.
Lord we thank You that You are with us in this sinful broken world. Please surround all who serve for freedom and justice with Your favor and protection.
Lord please uplift, encourage, and supernaturally protect all those persecuted Christians who long to simply worship in peace and freedom.
Lord please continue to encourage us all to stand against injustice and evil. Please give us the words and deeds to create a better world day by day and to bring others to a salvation knowledge of You.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.