How do you feel a person should act and speak to share the light of Christ?
My past behavior was more negative, critical, anxious, complaining. I certainly wasn't shining a light of positive love. The broken pieces needed Christ's healing power. I needed to take the broken pieces and let Christ heal them in such a way that it changed the words that come out of my mouth.
Let's choose today to let Jesus start working on our mindset and words. Let's choose today to reflect on how we speak and act. Let's choose this year as the year to make daily changes that add up to shining a mega watt bulb of Jesus love all around us.
May God bless you to hear how you speak. May God bless you to see how you act. May God bless you to have courage to change and grow daily. May God bless you to begin the hard work inside that will shine a light that will draw all to Him and bless you. In Jesus name, Amen