What are you willing To do or to allow For God's Kingdom agenda and your great joy?
Are you willing to change your sleep habits? Are you willing to change your eating habits?
Are you done Complaining and ready to sacrifice great amounts of time away from TV and into the word of God and worship music?
The word says we are to do all things to the glory of God even our eating and drinking.
Every day we have a choice of what to intentionally invest in.
We can cuddle with excuses or create the abundant joyful life. We can do what we know we should even if we don't FEEL like it! #DoIntoFeeling #Stamina
Create tiny changes today. Crush the enemy with action toward God's calling on your life. Crush the enemy with praise and crush complaining before it leaps from your mouth. Crush the enemy by digging into the word of God instead of TV, food, etc.
I'm asking myself these hard questions. And some of my answers need changing. Some areas I have conquered over the years.
My morning routine enhances my spiritual walk.
What habits are you going to change?
What habits are holding you back?
How can I be praying for you today?
#Morning #DailyRoutine #DailyChange #Bible #Christianity #SpiritualAwakening #Faith #Meditate #BibleStudy #devotional #Prayer #ChristFollower #Christ #God #ChristianMusic #ChristianCoach #ChristianMentor #Blessed Beyond Measure #Spiritual #Growth #Jesus #Praise #MindsetShift #Coaching #leadership #Create #AbundantJoyfulLife #Sacrifice #Change