Bursting with Blessings

Jesus Holds Us Together: Devotional Colossians 1:17

What holds you together during the hard times?

The word of God is living and active in our hearts, minds, and actions when we put it there and grow it.

I love the image of Jesus holding me together--I often say that Jesus glue is holding me together and making a beautiful mosaic of the broken pieces. Unlike the glue of this world--God holding us together is far better, far more amazing, and far more transformative.

Let's spend a few minutes today repeating our proclamations. Let's soak up God's word and let it work in our hearts and minds and then let's put it into action.

Let's pray: Jesus thank You that we move and have our being through You and in You. Thank You Lord Jesus for Your loving sacrifice and spirit that dwells within those marked as Your own.
Lord please forgive us our sins. Please lead us to the living word that will bring renewal, restoration, healing, and redemption to our soul, mind, and actions.
We sing praises to Your name, forever and ever. Thank You Jesus for all that You are doing in us and through us.

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