What is God calling you to do and be for His Kingdom and your blessings?
We've talked a lot about how unique and loved we each are in God's eyes. Our calling, while it might look similar to others--mother, wife, soldier, cashier, tech, nurse, teacher, author, carpenter--it is different in the details, the words, the deeds, the smile.
We are uniquely beautiful and blessed with unique blessings. We need not compare our blessings or our lives to other's lives.
We can sit and imagine what it takes to live out our calling. We can make radical shifts in speech, action, dress, reaction, etc.
When we become a child of God we must grow up to be all that God has called us to if we want to receive the blessings He longs to give us.
Growing up is hard. Changing our speech pattern, our daily routine, our dress, our reactions to others is hard. We almost always get backlash--called fake, called poser, etc. We lose friends. We have spouses that often don't support our radical shifts.
But what do we gain? We gain the blessings God longs to give. We start feeling emotions that we wanted for so long--happiness, fullness, awe at what God can do inside of our hearts, mind, words, and actions. We gain real friends. We heal relationships because we've done the work to change and heal our mindsets.
Let's imagine what radical shifts need to take place in our words, our responses, our daily habits and start making those shifts until they become habit. At first the growing pains hurt and are uncomfortable--the familiar beckons like a safe haven but is just jail that keeps us trapped and away from the life that God created for us to bubble over in happiness to lead.
Let's pray: Dear Lord God You are awesome and mighty. We praise You for the life You have given each of us.
Lord we thank You that You long to bless us and that You delight in our prosperity in all areas.
Lord help us to make the radical shifts in our thoughts, words, actions, and reactions so that we can walk into our blessings and our calling with excitement and joy.
Lord give us stamina, perseverance, and energy to do the good hard work of transformation and change.
Help us stay strong on the path You have chosen for us when all the obstacles come into our way.
Lord we praise You and thank You for all that You are doing in our lives. Thank You Jesus! Amen!