What is adult thinking?
I encounter many people that I wonder where their thinking is coming from. There are so many broken hearts and minds in this world where broken adults become broken parents who then raise broken children who break further from the broken peers that tear down further and further.
If we're to put off childish ways and child-like behavior then we need to put the word of God deep within our hearts and minds daily. We need to bind up our wounds with the word of God.
God's word is living and active--by His stripes we are healed--that healing is His word and spirit dwelling deep within us.
If we continue to tap into our own broken mindsets then we will continue to use words, actions, and thinking that is worse than childlike.
If we work day by day bit by bit we can transform our heart and mind into the mature thinking that builds up instead of tears down.
Let's work today to take a few more minutes to stop our train of thought and ask God to re-align it according to His word and will.
Let's work today to take God's word and think on it and place it into our heart to become the stream of living water that washes away sin, sadness, brokenness, and childish thinking. Amen!
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