Are you easily angered, hurt, or impatient? Tell me what sets you off most.
As I was reading these passages it dawned on me that people's words and actions would have less effect on me if I had a complete SHALOM with God.
Shalom means a wholeness, completeness (I'll link to the article I read on this in the comments.)
I imagined that if I was wholly trusting of God, wholly and completely knowledgeable of His love for me then what other's thought of me wouldn't matter.
If I wholly understand God's love, patience, and forgiveness of my sins then I should have the same love, forgiveness, and patience for all those around me.
If I know that I am wholly loved and have unique blessings coming to me and I do all things for Him because I have this amazing SHALOM with Him, then it would be easy to be humble and not clamor for accolades, attention, and human recognition.
Jesus made the way for us to grow into this all encompassing Shalom in every aspect. Shalom is deep, wide, complex, and beautiful through the Holy Spirit.
Let's think today about Shalom with God that would make it so easy to become humble, gently, kind, caring, patient, giving, not self-seeking but filled with an overwhelming joy that we are wholly loved, forgiven, set-free, and able to transform into the this high calling in Christ Jesus.
Let's pray: Lord God we are in deep awe of Your love for us. We sing praises to Your name Jesus.
We thank You Good Shepherd for leading us into greater and greater Shalom with Abba Father God.
Lord Jesus help us today to understand the depths of God's love for us so that we can cultivate a complete Shalom that leads us to act in accord with Your word, Your will, and Your way.
Lord we long to know Your love in such a dynamic way that human words, deeds, and opinions of us lose all power over us and our emotions.
Lord please keep bringing us greater and greater understanding of Your love and mercy. Thank You Jesus for what You are doing in our lives.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen