"I hold your right hand" God says. (Isaiah 41:13)
Visualize this amazing truth: God holding your right hand, sitting by your side, loving you with an everlasting love, knowing every hair on your head, and wanting the very best for you.
What a beautiful picture to see God beside us, God with us, God leading, guiding, protecting, and providing for us.
When you picture this truth and sit with it for a moment, doesn't it fill you back up with determination?
He is the God who sees us, loves us, and wants us to grow ever closer to Him as we navigate through our day.
Let's choose to keep that picture in our mind as we put our hand to the "plow" and co-create a life of blessings with Him.
Let's pray: Dear God thank You for being our Redeemer, Sustainer, and Savior.
We worship and praise You. We thank You that You hold us by the hand and lovingly lead us when we submit to Your will and way.
Jesus please surround us with protection. Please prompt our heart and mind to co-create with You moment by moment.
We sing praises to Your name, now, and forever, Amen.
PS looking for help to restore your soul and mind into a place of peace and thriving? message me to learn how Christian coaching can catapult your life into all that you want--healed, thriving, and co-creating with God. link
#christianlifestyle #christianliving #christianprayer #burstingwithblessings