Do you ever ask strangers for massive requests and miracles? No? Me either.
I wouldn't walk up to a total stranger and start asking for advice, help, aid, creativity, love, healing, etc. But isn't that often what we do with God?
No one blinks to ask God for things. Even nonbelievers will cry out to God for help, healing, etc.
Is that fair? Is it fair to demand to be heard and helped without even knowing Him?
To get to know someone we spend time listening to them. To know someone well we find out their likes and dislikes, their hopes, their wants. We get to know their voice so that it starts to resonate in our minds.
I listen to my coaches so much that on certain issues I can even hear their distinct voice give me encouragement.
The voice of my husband and my children are ingrained in my mind. I know their dreams, goals, food likes and pet peeves.
When we want something from another person don't we almost already know their answer before we even ask?
Have we spent enough time in the word that the voice we have for God The Father, Christ, And The Holy Spirit is distinct from our own?
Let's spend a few extra minutes a day imprinting the words of God on our heart and mind before we ask Him to deliver our desires, wants, and needs. Let's intentionally make His word abide in us so deeply and so maturely that when we ask we ask in alignment with His will and word. Let's cultivate a relationship so deeply that when He asks us to step out in faith and do His will that we know it is His voice and we act swiftly and with joy to serve Him who sacrificed much for us. Amen.
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