Do you have a word for the year to focus on? (share below)
Sometimes I dismiss the power of the pull and influence of the world--and find myself battling old thoughts and attitudes I assumed had no sway on me anymore.
But we battle spiritual forces of this world more than we realize. My word for the year is intentional. Just like we need to be intentional to create habits and routines that create the positive, blessed life we must be intentional not to allow the world to sweep us up in its opinions, thoughts, and ways of acting.
Let's be intentional each day to check in on our drift--are we drifting in the word of God staying on His path, or is the worries, views, and ways of the world drifting us down a path we don't want.
Let's pray: Dear Lord Jesus thank You for this day. We humbly come to the throne room of grace with praise and thanksgiving.
We praise You Lord that we have access to Your Holy word to keep us on Your path, to diminish our worries, and the worldly pull of this broken world.
Lord Jesus please help us to know when we are drifting from Your path for us. Please help us to bring our thoughts back into accordance with Your will and Your way of thinking about ourselves, our circumstances, and those we interact with.
Please imprint Your Holy word upon our hearts and minds so that we can be steadfast in staying focused on Your truth.
We give You all thanks and praise for the transformation You are working in our lives as we submit to You.
In Jesus name, Amen.