Let's sing praises to His name!
To praise God with all joy and reverence sometimes we need to remember what He washed us clean from.🙇♀️
While in some Christian circles it seems that people want to fixate on every sin and talk about sins to the absence of the joy that comes from knowing we are accepted and loved.❤️
I want us not to fixate on the sins but reflect for a moment so that it can spring board your emotions into the joy 😍 of the proclamation--I am loved, forgiven, set apart, accepted, and called to the blessings God has for me through my Savior Jesus Christ!
God never wants us to wallow in the past (then we would miss what He is causing to spring up now--see verse Isaiah 43:19). Remembrance for a moment is for us to bring forth the awe and wonder of what mess we were buried in that He pulled us from and washed us clean of so that we could inherit the blessings set aside for us.
The call to remember the sins washed away is to give us renewed desire to keep persevering toward the new spirit and right living that comes from our new calling in Jesus Christ.
Today I encourage us to remember the sins and old state of mind and put on a renewed determination to create mindsets that are God centered and Christlike. Amen!
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