Have you read about Gideon in Judges chapter 6 and 7? (I'll be unpacking this in my community group live today so be sure to join in.)
He was a man who didn't know his identity and power. He had massive mindset issues and ultimately his lack of confidence in his identity in God brought a legacy of brokenness after he liberated Israel with God.
Though we've had a transformation and salvation moment with Jesus, often people fall away because of the lack of reaffirming the truth, value, worth, and love of Jesus in our lives through time in the word, prayer, praise, and proclamation.
Have you fallen away ever? I know I have. Unfortunately, I've fallen away, down, sideways, and leftways from a fully aligned identity and relationship with Jesus.
When our identity is confused, then we're confused, insecure, and seeking validation and affirmation in all the wrong ways.
Without an aligned identity we don't have a fully impactful Kingdom-minded action and reaction to all that the world needs and that God is calling us to.
Let's choose each morning to rise and empower ourselves with God's truth--we are beloved, worthy, forgiven, free, and empowered to do and be all that God has planned for us.
Let's choose to cultivate our faithfulness and our confidence and courage through our true identity--Christ dwells within us! All things are possible for us who work with Him.
*Come join my group coaching program for Kingdom impact. It's the spiritual growth, business strategy, and mindset work you need to prosper in all respects.
Let's pray: Dear God, thank You for this day. Thank You for Your love and mercy.
Lord we are beyond grateful for Your forgiveness and love. Please forgive us our sins--like losing our sense of true empowered identity in You.
Please empower us by Your word and spirit to go forth boldly and confidently to share our gifts and talents in such a way as to bring forth a hundredfold harvest of blessings for all those around us and for our legacy of Kingdom impact.
We sing praises to Your name! We thank You Jesus for being our Good Shepherd who watches over us. Please rebuke the devourer and lead us ever more to be unshaken by the lies of the enemy, holding steadfast to Your truth.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen!