by Leah Mason-Virgin, RN, FCN, Christian Life Coach
Life is busy. Life is hard. Life is the sum of our thoughts that dictate our actions.
We have two choices in life: to let life happen to us, reacting to it based on our past hurts and then complaining about all the things that aren't going the way "they should". Or we can be a part of creating a blessed life with God.
We all experience suffering--some hide it more than others. But we all have pain, heart hurts, mindset issues from childhood, and so on.
We all need to grow daily, to heal daily, to create a positive energy movement that brings about the blessings God wants for us.
But more often then not, I see beautiful women and men repeating that they don't have time for their Bible, exercise, journaling, healthy eating, healthy daily habits, etc.
And then I watch those same people tell all about staying up too late at night to watch the news, the latest series, the latest movie, or play video games or excessively read fiction book series, the list could go on.
And then those same people complain about their health, their marriage, their children's behavior, depression, anxiety, work discord, relationship with family discord, and so on.
We play the victim in our life and wonder why God doesn't just rain blessings down and fix everything.
I know. I did all the above and more. The more I complained, the more distraught over everything I became, and the more I lacked any self-discipline or determination to become the solution to all that I complained about.
Then it happened slowly. I made little changes and then more, taking responsibility for my life, my thoughts, my attitudes, seeking healing, help, natural herbs for my mood, hormones, better food choices, exercise, listening to my Bible, then reading it, etc.
One thing that most of the big names in the wellness world encourage is journaling. Journaling our thoughts onto paper has a way of removing the veil from our eyes and revealing things in a light that our minds so desperately need.
I want to help you take the first small step on your healing journey. For life is a journey that will either take us over and stomp all over us or we will craft with God to be something worth living.
I've created for you an effective and quick way of bringing forth the mindset issues you need to work on.
Until we are aware of our thoughts, we are flying blind!
Are you ready to see what needs work?
Each morning gift yourself time with God and your journal.
Start by going to bed a few minutes earlier each night and waking up earlier by 5 to 10 minutes earlier each morning. You've now just given your life and your family a beautiful gift--the gift of spiritual, mental, and emotional growth that will bring the blessings God longs for you to have.
Releasing emotional and mental conversations onto paper will help heal anxiety and discord within your mind and with God. It always allows me to see where I am creating a victim mentality instead of one empowered by God's truth.
God wants to work in our minds, spirits, and lives but He won't until we ask Him to and do what His word says--like tithing, planning, changing our habits, words, jealous spirit, and so forth.
Each morning take 5 minutes to release the swirling thoughts and then read them. Now reframe them.
Reframing is changing the victim mentality, the complaining, and the dis-empowering swirls into ones of empowerment, truth, fact, and reality.
For example: "I feel so overwhelmed, I don't have time for anything." We can see this is a sweeping statement often blurted out by worn out busy moms, etc.
Empowering reframe: "I need to choose what I can do today and release the rest. I don't have to do it all."
And our empowered affirmation for the day might be: "I wisely move through my day with wisdom from the Lord. I can say "yes" and "no" to each thing that comes my way." Or, "I have the grace to embrace this day with wisdom and energy from the Holy Spirit."
We can instantly see how the negative thoughts were going to drain and fuel discord, yelling, and most likely snapped words that damaged relationships, most likely with the children and spouse.
Next, a quick prayer to ask God to imprint His Holy word upon your mind and heart and to give you revelation knowledge of how to apply His word into your life.
A few minutes in God's word and you are fueled up for the day.
Your mindset is shifted and now the day is yours to move through instead of the day rolling over you like a mac truck.
God wants more for us then just surviving each day. He wants us thriving, growing, nourished in the word and the power of His spirit. He is the living water we need for our thirsty, dry, damaged heart, soul, and mind. He is the bread of life that feeds real health and healing to our mind, soul, and life--now and the one everlasting.
Let's pray: Dear Lord God, thank You for this day. Thank You that You love us with an everlasting love that surpasses all complete understanding.
Thank You Lord for being the God who sees us, knows us, saves us, redeems us, and heals us.
Lord please lead us to the healing scripture that we need to speak into our lives. Please cause our minds to delight in Your word and to feed on it day by day. For You Jesus are the bread of life and the living water we need so desperately. And when we come to You we never go hungry and when we love You we never go thirsty.
Lord please empower us to make the changes we need so desperately so that we can create the blessed life through Your guidance and energy.
Please help us to become all that You want for us to be for ourselves, for our families, and for this broken world that needs to know Your love and salvation so desperately.
We sing praises to Your name, now and forever, Amen.

If you had unshakable confidence, what could you do?
What would you do if the confidence and power of God flowed through you each day?
I work with Christian women to build real and lasting confidence in who they are and the power that comes from being empowered by God.
I know that you can tap into the power and love of God that already dwells within you.
Let's talk about working one on one to create that daily ability to move with confidence: