Frantic, apathetic, or peaceful working with God--what type of energy do you have when times get tough and things don't seem to line up the way you want them to?
I often see women choose the above types of energy/effort when times are tough. And I know I certainly have chosen all of those throughout the last 4 decades of my life.
Frantic energy runs about trying to change things without seeking God or trusting that whatever is happening God can turn it for good and for His Kingdom agenda. It's often an energy that feeds worry, complaining, and more discord and chaos to an already hurting situation.
Apathetic energy and effort is the giving up, burying the problem under television and other sources of numbing to keep from facing the issues, making the changes God wants, and seeking His counsel.
Peaceful working with God is a mindset that is actively trusting God, anticipating God's favor and help, praising Him consistently through everything, while prayerfully seeking His wisdom and counsel--all while doing the tasks that create change, blessings, and the favor of God.
It is a mindset of trusting the outcome of the circumstances to God while rebuking the worry and fear that the enemy tries to stir up. It's cultivating joy and faithfulness in the midst of all that is happening.
If we want the favor of the Lord in times that are tough then we need to be working with Him in times that are good. We need to be seeking His counsel daily by reading His word, praying, and listening for just a few minutes each day.
God wants to favor and protect us. He wants us to be working with Him to craft daily habits, thoughts, and knowledge that is a blessing to our lives and a joyful report of God's goodness to others--are you telling of God's goodness everyday to your spouse, children, friends, family?
As the New Year approaches and this difficult year begins to flow behind, what mindset, habits, and knowledge are you going to work to create? What energy, actions, and communication habits are you going to work on?
It takes 21 days to start to build a consistent habit and about 66 days to make it an ingrained part of your subconscious. And it takes about 90 days of positive communication, building, and doing to see a return on the seeds you have sown--to begin seeing a harvest of blessings (Not my numbers--numbers read about in my learning this year).
So in 3 months what do you want your life to start looking like? How much favor, protection, and goodness from God do you want to see?
*If you're ready to put your hand to the plow and work towards awesome blessings then it's time to join into my group coaching program at an investment cost of $99 per month--before it rises to $250 January 1st. Don't let another year of hardship happen because you choose to try it on your own--work with God and a coach and bring forth a harvest of blessings in every area of your life--health, finances, marriage, parenting, work, relationships, etc.
Let's pray: Dear Lord God Almighty, we humbly come before You with thanks and praise!
Thank You Lord Jesus that we can find healing, help, love, mercy, and forgiveness in You. Lord Jesus please forgive us our sins and help us to break the chains of sin and sadness that hold us back from all the blessings and joy that You long to give us.
Lord we know that You are powerful beyond all measure. Lord please open our minds and eyes to see where we need to make changes in each area of our lives.
Help us please to choose to work with You, to seek You every moment of the day, and to sing about Your marvelous wonders, love, and miracles to all those around us.
Please help us to shine Your light in such a way that others see our good deeds, our good attitude, our joy, our peace, and glorify you into a salvation knowledge that blesses their lives throughout all eternity.
Thank You Lord Jesus! Please surround us with Your favor as a shield and break the schemes of the enemy from trying to hold us back from all that You want for us.
We sing praises to Your name, now and forever, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen!

I empower women to become the miracle they seek--through learning how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of your value, worth, gifts, and more.
I will help you create the confidence, the mindset, the actions, the joy, and the perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.
Come to this free Facebook community group for even more: Blessed Christian Life Coaching by Leah