The Joy of the Lord is our strength--knowing that our Lord is with us, forgives us, and has made a way for us to be in union with Father God is joy filling. We can always cling to that type of joy.
As we pray, we start by giving thanks and praise for all that Christ has done and is doing--thereby filling our soul and mind with the joy of the Lord.
I think that is why God instructs us to be joyful always and to pray always--because when we shift our mindset from what we don't have, or what isn't the way we want and shift it to our blessings in Christ Jesus than we can have a joy and peace that surpasses all worldly understanding.
What are you joyful for today?
Let's pray: Dear Jesus God Almighty, thank You for this day. Thank You Jesus that we are forgiven and free in You. Thank You Lord for lifting the burden of sin and sadness from us.
Lord Jesus help us today to focus on Your Kingdom agenda, the blessings that we have, and Your Holy Spirit that dwells within us.
We give You all thanks and praise for Your love, mercy, sacrifice, healing, redemption, and restoration. Lord please lead us to the scripture we need to stand on today. Please give us God blessed eyes to see our circumstances and solutions the way You want us to.
We sing praises to Your name, Hosanna in the Highest, Amen.

Guide To Joy In Hard Times is just what we need right now.
I created this ebook for a time such as this. Grab some joy connection with God ❤️🙏