Courage. How do you bring forth courage over fear and discouragement?
I speak and proclaim God's word over myself and my situation as I push past the fear, past the discouragement, and past the desire to give up.
Let's read God's word today and cultivate words we can say to speak life over ourselves, our circumstances, and our family. *if you want me to walk alongside of you through this just reach out.
Let's pray: Dear Lord Almighty thank You for this day. Thank You that Your word is a lamp unto our feet and the solid rock on which we can stand.
Lord please bring us the words we need to read today. Please help us to pray and speak life over our circumstances. Help us to not complain but sustain forward movement when discouragement tries to overtake us.
We thank You Lord for imprinting Your Holy word upon our hearts and minds. Please lead us to grow spiritually and to boldly proclaim Your truth wherever we go.
In Jesus name, Amen.