What is your favorite plant, flower, or tree?
I read this verse over and over and just sat and thought about how many roots a tree or plant has. There's not just one root into the soil.
I thought how interesting that a plant needs to work to grow multiple tendrils down into the ground to get all the nourishment and water it needs.
If a plant needs to grow and work to produce more and more shoots of roots into the soil then should be balk when hard times come and we have to work with God to grow another root into the word and power of God?
Let's prepare for the hard times today by sitting in the word and writing the word on our heart and asking God to help us produce another root deep into the love and power of God so that when the winds of hard days come and we are battered up top our roots never shift or move us out of the love and power of God.
Let's pray: Dear Lord God thank You for Your Holy work. Thank You Jesus for Your loving sacrifice.
We sing praises to Your name that we have access to the ever present power of the Holy Spirit as well as the living and active word.
Lord we live in a time like none other. We have amazing access to Your Holy word--help us Lord to crave it and create time to read it day by day.
We pray Lord that You would grow our roots deep into Your power and word. Please transform us day by day and lead us on the path that You have for us. Help us Jesus this day to hear You like never before.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen