What treasure are you finding and storing up?
I love how Jesus talked about the Kingdom and The Word like a precious pearl that we should treasure and do all to find it. The Bible talks about the nourishing affects of The Word on our hearts and minds.
Every morning I seek the treasure God wants for me to store in my mind and heart to share out. As we share that beautiful treasure it comes back to us seven fold and more.
Today let's nourish our minds on the treasure of who we are to God and what His word says. Let's dig deep, store it in our hearts, speak it out in sharing, and lift hands in praise.
Let's pray: Dear Lord God Almighty, we humbly come before You with praise and thanksgiving for Your immense love and sacrifice.
We thank You for access to Your Holy word which is a precious treasure that creates lasting life and blessings.
Lord please imprint Your Holy word upon our hearts and minds in such a way that it produces transformed mindsets and actions. We long to be Your hands and feet O Lord and to do all that You have called us to.
We sing praises to Your name and thank You for all that You are doing in our lives, through us, and for us during this difficult season. We know that with perseverance and faith we can grow into our calling, our blessings, and our promise land.
Thank You Jesus, amen.