Do you have a vision board to keep you fixed on the plans God has for you? drop an emoji and let me know
Lauren M. shared her wonderful review on my book, How To Create A Biblical Vision Board:
"Hello! Well, I have my Vision Board ready to share! I did not want to say "completed" because I think this will be a work in progress for at least a little while longer. I want to keep adding to it and growing it. (Plus I still need to put a picture of myself to cover the women's face! 😃 Your book emphasized the importance of that, and so I need to print one out!!
The book was a great guide on this! You used several words that just jumped off the page to me. And those plus the affirmations you provided gave me such inspiration! You also gave encouragement and practical tips -- you packed a strong punch in those pages!
Thank you for prompting me to do this!!
P.S. I know the location of the Vision Board is key. I opted for inside my bathroom cabinet door. Every morning and every night I open this get ready for the day or get ready for bed. This will be a place I see it often!! It will be a great reminder to pray for God's guidance on my dreams and His plans!"
Are you ready to create a Biblical Vision Board that can bring you stamina to create your dreams and blessings? link below or message me Leah Mason-Virgin

So grateful for her words! These especially encouraged me to know that what I write brings to light what God wants: "The book was a great guide on this! You used several words that just jumped off the page to me. And those plus the affirmations you provided gave me such inspiration! You also gave encouragement and practical tips -- you packed a strong punch in those pages!
Thank you for prompting me to do this!!"