How do you share about your love and commitment to Jesus and God's people?
I've learned through the years that my words about myself and my circumstances speak volumes of who I am and what I believe.
I never understood how negative I was. I didn't understand the complaining was draining me, adding to my anxiety, and keeping me locked in my past brokenness. And it certainly didn't lead others to know of my love and faith in God nor my love for God's people around me.
Today let's listen to the words that are swimming through our mind and out of our mouths. Let's start speaking faith, love, blessings, and encouragement--this will speak volumes of our commitment to God and His Kingdom agenda. *If you're struggling with this then let's have a conversation.
Let's pray: Dear Lord God Almighty, thank You for this day and for Your Holy word that highlights how to transform our thoughts and words.
Lord Jesus we thank You for Your healing power that heals our past hurts and brings us new life in You. We want to share that with others--help us please to be Your light and to speak life to ourselves and all those around us.
We give You all thanks and praise for what You are doing in our lives and through our lives. In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.