Exposed--just the word brings forth uncomfortable feelings.
No one likes feeling exposed. No one likes having sin, brokenness, or bad habits exposed to themselves let alone to others.
But God wants us to expose the broken thoughts, habits, and behavior that He already knows exists--no shame to be had, just loving healing.
He doesn't want us to stay broken, stuck, hurting, lost, or lacking all the good things that come from exposing and transforming through His word.
He wants us to take the sword of His word and work daily to expose to ourselves where we need transformation, change, healing, restoration, redemption, and blessings.
We don't have what we want because we don't know how to have all that God wants to bless us with. It takes spiritual maturity, lifestyle changes, mindset shifts, and courage to actively walk out our faith to receive our inheritance, the blessings of God.
Let's grab our journal this morning and ask for the Holy Spirit to expose one area that needs transformation, healing, and blessings.
Let's learn how to pray in the blessings God wants for us that come from mature spiritual growth.
*If you want help walking through this in a healthy and productive way then let's talk 📲💻📞
Let's pray: Dear Lord God Almighty, thank You for Your Holy Word. Thank You that Your word is living, active, and has transformative power.
We kneel in awe of Your love, forgiveness, and mercy for all who call on Your name.
Lord please help us this day to expose to ourselves an area that needs spiritual growth, that needs Your healing word. Help us to have bold courage to change what needs changing and to do that which will bring about blessings to our lives and others.
We give You all thanks and praise Lord because You want to lovingly heal us and bless us day by day.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.