Let your faith and love grow, increase, enlarge, and surpass all it has ever been.
Let's take time to think about others and their hurts today. Let's take time to pray for those who are missing meals, needing rent, struggling on the street with mental illness, working double shifts to meet patient needs, struggling to make critical decisions for millions, working to protect immune compromised loved ones, working to save a marriage under pressure, searching for answers....
We can stretch our view of things. We can enlarge our faith, our love, our patience, our knowledge of God's scripture, and our deep gratitude for Christ's sacrifice for our sins so that we can be forgiven and free, transforming ourselves through His love and word.
Let's pray: Dear Lord we lean even more into You today. We come to You with thanks and praise that You made a way for us to be forgiven and free.
We know that this is a sinful broken world that we don't completely understand. We thank You Jesus that You hung up Your crown and came down to experience every emotion, every pain, and all our sins.
We humble ourselves before You this day and pray for our sins to be forgiven, our perseverance to be enhanced, our love and faith to be enlarged, and our obedience to Your word to come forth ever greater.
We give You all thanks and praise for all that You are doing through us, in us, and for us during this difficult time. In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.

Guide To Joy In Hard Times is just what we need right now.
I created this ebook for a time such as this. Grab some joy connection with God ❤️🙏