What are you doing this Sunday?
My prayer for each of us is to tap into the immense love of God that is beyond all comprehension but ever present and ever flowing within each of us who call Jesus our Lord and Savior.
During this difficult week, God has brought about little moments where I know that He sees me (Genesis 16:13).
I know He knows that my heart is heavy and that my energy has waned over the week. He had made sure that I had no plans or work that needed to be done on Saturday and Sunday morning--which is unusual, I typically book teaching classes and get up early each morning.
His love for us and His miracles might not look exactly like we expect. Most often I expect epic deliverance and incredible, by human standards, miracles.
Our God often weaves in miracles and incredible gifts that can be so easily missed. In the hustle and bustle during the storms of life it's so easy to miss His hand moving and His comfort showing up in an email, a hug, a surprise visit, a beautiful sunset, a day to sleep in and rest, and so many more.
My prayer for each of us today is to be more aware of His immense love and His gifts that don't "look like we expected".
May God open the eyes of your heart and mind to perceive His great, vast, mighty, rejuvenating, saving, healing, restoring, transforming, immense, incredible love that surpasses all human understanding.
May God open your eyes to see His miracles and His hand moving in ways you never imagined.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen! And Amen!