Good Sunday morning y'all!
We had so much fun last night. It's nice to catch up with friends I only see once a year.
This morning Brad and I were talking about Nehemiah and the rebuilding of the wall.
Nehemiah not only had to train the people on how to build the wall, he had to train the to fight the enemies who wanted to stop the rebuilding of the wall.
As we prepare to start thinking about the New Year, our dreams, goals, and resolutions we are going to need to fight old habits to build new ones.
2 Samuel 22:29 For You are my lamp, O' Lord; And the Lord illuminates my darkness.
Let's start seeking God daily about the dark places that need illumination. What area can we put effort in with God to grow and transform?
We need to build ourselves up this month in His word so we can learn the skills needed to create and build the abundant joyful life in Jesus Christ.
May God abundantly bless you with resolve, stamina, and courage to confront what needs changing, to build new mindsets, and grow ever closer to our God who is a shield to all who take refuge in Him (2 Samuel 22:31). Amen
#Sunday #Coffee #BibleStudy #ChangingLivesChangingTheWorld #SpiritualAwakening #Meditate on the word #TransformationAndChange #MindsetShift #ChristianCoach #ChristianAuthor #ChristianWoman #ChristianMom #PersonalDevelopment #SelfDevelopment #Joyfilled #Life #DailyRoutine #DailyChange #VerseOfTheDay #BuildingUp #Prayer #FavorOfGod #NewYearsResolutions #GoalsAndDreams #Shield #BurstingWithBlessings