Bursting with Blessings

Energizing Our Work With Love: Devotional 1 Thessalonians 1:3-4

You are beautiful, loved, chosen, and created for such a time as this.

We each have unique gifts that can be a blessing to all those around us. And we each can shine the light of love during this time.

Let's energize our work with love, compassion, and words of life to all those around us.

Let' pray: Dear Lord God thank You for this day. Thank You Lord for Your love, mercy, forgiveness, and sacrifice for each of us.

Lord help us to do all things through love, hope, peace, and compassion.

Lord Jesus we put our trust in You. Please bring us to a renewed mindset that grows more spiritually mature day by day.

We thank You Lord that You can work all things for our good and Your Kingdom agenda. We pray that more people would come to You for love and salvation.

In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.

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