I love reading raw and real in the Bible. I love that God was very truthful about the human condition. He has never backed down from how Holy He is and how utterly sinful and broken humans are—yet He loves us and pursues us anyway.
Psalm 73 is a raw account from Asaph. He elucidates on his envy, his sour attitude, and his negative outlook. He had a case of "instagramitis" and "Facebook depression." He was so focused on how the rich people around him seemed to prosper and never endure hardships. Yet, he was under constant challenges, so he thought. The more we complain, the more we attract and produce troubles and things to complain about.
Oh, Asaph, I hear you. We hyper focus on the beautiful pictures and the seemingly endless luxuries that others have. The lens of this world is faulty and broken.
He laments that he couldn't understand it all until he had entered into God's sanctuaries. There scripture was read to him—true wisdom and knowledge comes from God's Holy word. Hymn and Psalms sung--transforming the spirit through God's music.
16 When I tried to understand all this,
I found it too hard for me —
17 until I went into the sanctuaries of God
and grasped what their destiny would be.
His mind was opened and now his eyes could see. His sour attitude stripped away.
21 When I had a sour attitude
and felt stung by pained emotions,
22 I was too stupid to understand;
I was like a brute beast with you.
He could see that God was always holding His hand. He could see that he truly lacked nothing. He could finally see that the rich people he focused on were in the most trouble and the most doom, for they did not have God's salvation, love, and mercy.
28 But for me, the nearness of God is my good;
I have made Adonai Elohim my refuge,
so that I can tell of all your works.
How often do we reap more pain and depression from complaining and fixing our mind and eyes on the rich or successful of this world?
Today's prayer we talked about opening God's word first thing in the morning. I encourage you to hold off opening social media posts that don't build your mind strong on God's word first and foremost. Let God fix the lens from worldly to godly and wash the depression away and heal the "instagramitis."
26 My mind and body may fail; but God
is the rock for my mind and my portion forever.
Remind yourself through the day that God is forever and always holding your hand 😊
23 Nevertheless, I am always with you;
you hold my right hand.

May God richly bless you as you seek His face and His word and His worldly lens. I would love to hear how you keep your mind fixed on God, or how I can pray for you tomorrow morning.
Psalm 73 (0) A psalm of Asaf:
(1) How good God is to Isra’el,
to those who are pure in heart!
2 But as for me, I lost my balance,
my feet nearly slipped,
3 when I grew envious of the arrogant
and saw how the wicked prosper.
4 For when their death comes, it is painless;
and meanwhile, their bodies are healthy;
5 they don’t have ordinary people’s troubles,
they aren’t plagued like others.
6 So for them, pride is a necklace;
and violence clothes them like a robe.
7 Their eyes peep out through folds of fat;
evil thoughts overflow from their hearts.
8 They scoff and speak with malice,
they loftily utter threats.
9 They set their mouths against heaven;
their tongues swagger through the earth.
10 Therefore his people return here
and [thoughtlessly] suck up that whole cup of water.
11 Then they ask, “How does God know?
Does the Most High really have knowledge?”
12 Yes, this is what the wicked are like;
those free of misfortune keep increasing their wealth.
13 It’s all for nothing that I’ve kept my heart clean
and washed my hands, staying free of guilt;
14 for all day long I am plagued;
my punishment comes every morning.
15 If I had said, “I will talk like them,”
I would have betrayed a generation of your children.
16 When I tried to understand all this,
I found it too hard for me —
17 until I went into the sanctuaries of God
and grasped what their destiny would be.
18 Indeed, you place them on a slippery slope
and make them fall to their ruin.
19 How suddenly they are destroyed,
swept away by terrors!
20 They are like a dream when one awakens;
Adonai, when you rouse yourself,
you will despise their phantoms.
21 When I had a sour attitude
and felt stung by pained emotions,
22 I was too stupid to understand;
I was like a brute beast with you.
23 Nevertheless, I am always with you;
you hold my right hand.
24 You will guide me with your advice;
and afterwards, you will receive me with honor.
25 Whom do I have in heaven but you?
And with you, I lack nothing on earth.
26 My mind and body may fail; but God
is the rock for my mind and my portion forever.
27 Those who are far from you will perish;
you destroy all who adulterously leave you.
28 But for me, the nearness of God is my good;
I have made Adonai Elohim my refuge,
so that I can tell of all your works.