What do you need the favor of the Lord on?
The Lord is a very present help in times of trouble. When life goes sideways or delivers up harsh circumstances or we create our own hardships through our sin and broken choices--seek His truth, seek His compassion, seek His favor.
God's word is truth, life, and revelation of how to transform our thinking, our actions, and our circumstances for our good.
God loves to bring people and circumstances together to show His care for us and His constant watchful eye over us.
Run to Abba Father--gain clarity over your part in your circumstances and ask for favor and mercy to create miracle circumstances to bring you out of the hardship, through the fire, and into wonderful spiritual growth, and blessings.
*Ready for eye opening revelations and practical strategies to create a prosperous, successful year? Come have a breakthrough session with me and see how coaching can help you create a hundredfold blessings this year without anxiety, overwhelm, and stress. Link below.
Let's pray: Dear God Almighty, thank You for Your love and mercy. Thank You Lord that You are the God who sees us and knows us and loves us with an everlasting love.
Lord please lead us to soak up Your word so that it can grow us spiritually and emotionally. Please gird us with energy and strength to walk through the hard times with wisdom and perseverance.
We praise You and thank You Lord Jesus that You are our Good Shepherd that watches over us and protects us. Please rebuke the enemy from causing more stress and hard circumstances.
Please surround us with Your favor and craft circumstances in such a way as to bring about an abundance of blessings and help. Please grant us eyes to see Your hand working in our lives and a voice to magnify Your name to all those around us.
We sing praises to Your name, Jesus! Thank You Lord for always hearing our prayers, never leaving nor forsaking us, and for strengthening us to walk through this broken world.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.